
Press contacts and Trademark guidelines

On this page you will find our press contacts and some brand guidelines for proper use of the Jets Group's trademarks.

JETS Portrait Øyvind Tørlen

Øyvind Tørlen

CEO Jets Vacuum AS

+47 70 03 92 00

JETS Portrait Bjørn Halfdan Leine

Bjørn Halfdan Leine

VP Maritime

+47 70 03 94 81

JETS Portrait Bjarte Hauge

Bjarte Hauge

VP Land Market

+47 70 03 91 51

JETS Portrait Martin Barstad

Martin Barstad

VP Aftermarket

+47 70 03 90 06

JETS logo colour

Trademark guidelines

Jets® has a number of trademarks and/or registered trademarks. We would like to ask all of our business partners, representatives and customers to use our trademarks appropriately. Please familiarize yourself with the use of our trademarks by reading these guidelines.

These guidelines apply for the use of the Vacuumarator® trademark, but are also valid for our other trademarks: Jets®, VC (Vacuum Closet), Softsound, VOD (Vacuum On Demand), CVS (Constant Vacuum System), SanPack, Helivac, RagBox™ and Ecomotive®.

Always ensure that our trademarks are properly used, and that they are accompanied by the trademark symbol (® or ™). The examples below will help you determine when to use the trademarks, and how to use them right. In-depth trademark information is available on request.

Some examples of correct and incorrect use

A trademark is nearly always an adjective that describes a specific entity (person, place or thing). Use the Vacuumarator® trademark only as a proper adjective. Do not use the trademark as a noun or verb.

Correct: The Vacuumarator® pump provides efficient sewage handling.
Incorrect: The Vacuumarator provides efficient sewage handling.
Incorrect: You can now Vacuumarate your sewage to handle it efficiently.

The right way to designate a trademark is to place its symbol (®) just behind the trademark (which is used in the same way as an adjective), before the noun it modifies:
Correct: Vacuumarator® pump
Incorrect: Vacuumarator® pump®

Never use a trademark in a possessive form
Correct: The Vacuumarator® pump's capability is undisputed.
Incorrect: The Vacuumarator's capability is undisputed.
Incorrect: The Vacuumarator® 's capability is undisputed.

Never use a trademark in plural form
Correct: Vacuumarator® pumps can be used for a number of purposes.
Incorrect: Vacuumarators can be used for a number of purposes.

Do not alter or change the trademark
Correct: Use Vacuumarator® pumps to solve sewage handling challenges.
Incorrect: Vacuumarate your sewage to solve handling challenges.

Do not use several trademarks together
Correct: Vacuumarator® pump by Jets®
Incorrect: Jets Vacuumarator® pump

Avoid using a capital first letter in the noun modified by the trademark
Correct: Vacuumarator® pump
Incorrect: Vacuumarator® Pump

Company names are NOT trademarks and should NOT include the ® symbol:
Correct: Jets Vacuum AS
Incorrect: Jets® Vacuum AS

If in doubt, you can simply use the single word "pump" instead of "Vacuumarator® pump"