Sales and services

Terms and conditions

To ensure transparency in our sales and services, we follow established legal frameworks

Orgalim represents Europe’s Technology Industries and provides standardised legal conditions for businesses in mechanical and electrical engineering, electronics, ICT, and metal technology.

  • Sales and services
  • Installation and support
  • On-site service
JETS image package delivery Paul Sindre Tarberg Delivery web

Jets® Sales & Aftermarket:

We apply Orgalim S 2022 with JETS Amendment for most product sales and aftermarket services, except for new sales in the land market, where we use the JETS General terms and conditions for Land Market.

Orgalim S 2022 General terms and conditions with JETS Amendment
JETS General terms and conditions for Land Market

On-Site Service:

We use Orgalim R 17 with JETS Amendment which specialise in maintenance, for all on-site service and support.

Orgalim R 17 General terms and conditions with JETS Amendment

Jets Image Enquiries phone e mail web Adobe Stock 177803624

Please reach out if you have questions

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