Bringing vacuum innovation to supermarkets worldwide
With a non-disruptive and cost saving alternative for dealing with condensate water, Jets Vacuum AS is making waves in the global market for supermarket technology.
- Type of project: Supermarket remodel
- Challenge: Moving refrigerators and freezers would normally involve major construction work to relocate drains for the new store layout.
- Jets® solution: A gravity independent vacuum system that does not rely on placement of drains in store.
With a gravity independent vacuum system, major construction work is no longer necessary when redesigning stores and relocating freezers and refrigerators. Jets Vacuum AS (JETS) has developed a flexible solution for handling condensate water where the location of floor drains is no longer a concern.
Condensate water is collected in a flat collection tank on the floor. When the system registers that the tank is full, the water is lifted to the ceiling through a slim vacuum pipe and directed to a common drain.
Click here to learn more about our condensate removal system for supermarkets and retail stores
Relocating floor drains for refrigerators and freezers often means partially closed stores and a costly construction process. By avoiding tearing up floors and cutting into concrete, the JETS system provides a significantly more cost effective, cleaner and much quicker process.
Proven technology
Jets Vacuum AS (JETS) has decades of experience as a market leader in vacuum sanitary systems and wastewater handling for segments such as ships, rail and buildings. The vacuum technology, with the Jets Vacuumarator® pump at its core, is versatile and has been developed into an efficient new solution gaining interest from supermarkets worldwide. The system for handling condensate water is already proving to be a successful venture for the Norwegian innovation company, with large international supermarket chains implementing the JETS solution.
Flexibility is key for Spar Straumane
Store planner in H.I. Giörtz, Svein Arild Endal, knows the challenges facing supermarkets when remodelling their stores: “It is not always possible to install new pipes or drains in the floor, and the concept from JETS is a more flexible solution,” he says.
Endal was one of the decision makers when JETS was chosen for Spar Straumane, a part of the world-wide Spar group. Undertaking an extensive remodelling in 2018, the store installed the Jets® system to handle condensate water from their numerous freezers and refrigerators.
Transporting the condensate water to a common existing drain allows for a fully flexible layout of the store, even where drains are not available. One single Vacuumarator® pump can serve up to 15 drainage points.
Trouble-free installation
“Although this was our first JETS supermarket project, we found the installation very straight forward,” says Steven Kempton, plumber at Svein Roppen AS. The local contractor carried out the installation of the new system at Spar Straumane. “There are a few important guidelines to follow to ensure the smooth running of the system, but everything we needed to know was available before we started. In addition, JETS were available for continued support throughout the whole installation.”
Our Sales Manager for the Jets®supermarket division, met with the client to discuss their requirements.
She had a meeting with the contractor where they went through the whole project together. This ensured that they had everything they needed to install a system tailored to the client’s needs.
“This great teamwork, together with the simplicity of the concept and quality of the Jets® components, ensured a smooth and trouble-free installation,” continues Kempton. “This meant that we were able to have the system up and running in time for the reopening of the supermarket, despite a very tight schedule.”
Global potential
“The global potential is immense,” states Sales Manager for the Supermarket division. “Developing this system for supermarkets has paid off, and we are experiencing great growth.”
The number of supermarkets using the Jets® system has increased from less than 150 to more than 1200 in the last couple of years, and according to the sales team, this is only the beginning: “Through our market research, we have identified great potential and demand, and are set to introduce our system into new international markets.”
Lifecycle savings
The Vacuumarator® pump at the core of the system is renowned for its reliability. Along with the ease and flexibility of future redesigns or remodels of a store, it adds up to significant life cycle savings.
“We are thrilled to be able to offer a solution that really benefits the customer throughout the life cycle of the product,” she concludes.